Wednesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 8/30/11 8:55 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA:

I will be off from wor****il next Wednesday - something good from my "fathers" death.  I need this time off to take care of me.

Went to dad's house yesterday, expecting to start taking care of the legal things.  Said to my brother we need to get the will out before going to the funeral home, my brother:  dad changed the will last week, I get everything you get nothing.

My mother's biggest fear of dying first was that she would not be here to protect me from my dad and brother, she told me this all the time.  My mother is buried with her parents insuring that she would not be with my dad in death and he could not be near her.  There is a reason for that obviously.

So I have absolutely no reason to be at the funeral, I have no function to be there for, I do not have a function as the oldest child.  I said my good bye Monday night, as I said before I buried my dad decades ago.  I do not need to hear all the people that will be at the funeral talk about what a wonderful man he was - I'd lose it if I had to listen to those lies about that man.  He is a manipulative person, my brother is an exact replica of him.  I have no reason to ever go near Pitman, NJ ever again.

I love you all and am very thankful to have you and your support in my life.



Lisa H.
on 8/30/11 9:20 pm - Whitehall, PA
Oh Ida, how terrible.  I don't blame you one bit.  Stay away and take care of you, Gene and your house.  That is where you need to be.  Go visit your mom's grave, if that is possible.  Talk to her.  I'm sure it will help you.  

As for me, I am again working both jobs.  This morning, I need to go and make a car payment and stop for milk, bread and a few necessities.  I go to Dress Barn at 5 and am done at 9:15ish.. I am definitely tired at the end of the night, but the extra money is helping out.  Slowly, but surely I am getting myself out of the deep end and am starting to do more for the Bat Mitzvah.   Tomorrow, I no longer have to work at Dress Barn (at least as of now), so Siehara and I are going to go to the fabric store to try to find a patch she can put on the top edge to cover a hole I found in the fabric.  We will get 2 so we can make it balanced and pretty.  We are also going to go over to Staples to price invitations.  I have the design, just need to get pricing for copies and pick up postage.  The time has come!! 

Other than that, not much going on.. HAH!   Work, Bat Mitzvah, school starts Tuesday, work, Bat Mitzvah.. rinse, repeat.

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 8/30/11 9:41 pm - Philadelphia, PA

My mom's grave was the first place Gene took me when we got back to PA yesterday, then went to my grandmom's grave, then I needed to see Gene's mom.  She's still in re-hab from her shoulder surgery, she scooted over on her bed and I laid down with her and she held me and told me how much she loves me and how thankful she is that I found my way into her family.


(deactivated member)
on 8/30/11 10:20 pm

  I really understand that feeling of not bothering with that part of your life any further. The reason why did you know I have a brother? We have not spoken in over 6 years I respect the choices he made and well as I have my own life to live. 

   If you wanted to make an issue about things was your Dad not on morphine last week? I am sure of you wanted to cause trouble for your brother you could contest that version of the will. Yet over all your brother will have to live with his choices alone. Karma you know. 

  Let Gene comfort you and so glad to hear you found comfort in his Mom's arms and also went to visit your own Mom's resting place. Take this bonus time off to take care of Ida!

I have my Aunt and cousin's but my CHOOSEN family is amazing to me.

Love you

Lisa H.
on 8/30/11 10:50 pm - Whitehall, PA
 I'm so glad you were able to do that and that you still have Gene's mom to hold you like that.  Much love coming your way!! 

My tracker


on 8/30/11 9:26 pm
Good Morning Ida and PA!

So sorry that your brother is being such an a**!! When family does these things it makes you grateful for the friends you have! You know I am here for you!!

Today is my last day of freedom! Tomorrow is back to school! Of course I have the long weekend, but the summer is basically over... I got up at my usual work time,showered and dressed!! Later today we are going to a health fair that my friend is in through her school. We will spend a couple of hours there then come home. I have to pack Dee up for her sleepover at her friends house tonight. I also have to get all my things together for tomorrow. I have stuff to pack in my car, snacks and lunch to pack as well. I will also lay out my clothes for the morning. Then an early night for me!!

That is it for me!
Have a great day!
Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 8/30/11 9:42 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you Beth.  Oh My - back to school already - where did this summer go????


Liz R.
on 8/30/11 9:55 pm - Easton, PA
Ida I am so sorry. Take this time to focus on what is really important - you, Gene and your kids *hugs*

I am at work today, my back is still all sorts of out of whack and painful. I'll trudge through the day then home to make dinner, take Mia for a walk (as long as my back cooperates) then bath, bottle and bed! I am headed to bed at least to lay down as soon as I get Mia down tonight.

Happy Hump day All!

Patricia R.
on 8/30/11 10:12 pm - Perry, MI
Oh Ida,
I am so sorry you are having to deal with your brother this way.  Take care of yourself, and stick close to Gene and your kids.  I am glad Gene's mother has taken you in as her own.  That has to be a comfort in all of this.  I will keep you on my prayer list.

Today has me heading to my psychiatrist's office for my med check.  Then, to the U-haul store to get more boxes.  I also have to drop off my spare housekey to a friend's, as she and another friend will be coming to my apartment tomorrow to help me pack.  I will be at a doctor's appointment when they get here, so they are going to let themselves in and get working till I get home.

I did not sleep well last night and got up too early, so I will probably take a nap at some point. 


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 8/30/11 10:31 pm - Maple Shade, NJ


What a horrific situation for you and while you seem to have it in perspective, the reality must really hurt and I am sorry that you got that slap in the face.  I hope you find peace in knowing that you have a loving husband and many friends who care about you. 

Much love, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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